Saturday, January 21, 2006

I was bored, so I made my own little survey

/closes eyes.. Mom, and family... I hope you aren't going to read all of this.. I will deny everything =x

If you could go back and date one person again, who would it be?N.C
Looking back @ who you've dated- would you date the same people?no
Have you changed alot since high school?apparently yes and no
Are you proud of what you've accomplished so far?I think I've done alright.
Would you travel more if you could?Definately
City or country?City
Favorite gemstone- other than a diamond?pearl
If you HAD to choose only one.. looks or brains?no comment
What inspires you?people around me, images, music, good friends
Do you sing in the shower?yeah- so what.. it's proven to have some of the best accoustics =p
Have you ever been caught doing something "wrong?"um, no
What's your favorite genre of music?indie/accoustic sets
Finger paints or sidewalk chalk?finger paints
What's you favorite color crayon?some shade of bright green
If you could have one superpower what would you take?mind control
Have you ever laughed so hard that your drink came out of your nose?yes
Have you...
Eaten sushi?Of course, I married an asian!
Ever had a one night stand?yes
Rolled over and later said "what was I thinking?!" no, thankfully
Been out of the continental US?yes
Gotten Arrested?no comment
Gone to Mexico?hell-o.. it's 15 mins from me.. of course I have!
If you had to do it all over again... would you...
Have majored in the same thing?I have no idea.. not like I ever could figure out that conventional school stuff.
Moved away from home/stayed closer to home?nope. I'm happy to be exactly where I am
Given your virginity to the same person?yes
Put more effort into getting better grades?yes
Have fallen in love with the same people/person?not all of them.. but the major ones I don't regret falling for



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