Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Blame it on the...

did you see that crap blog of note? gah... "Blame the white man." When are people going to actually figure out that those types of arguments and comments just really need to die. I'm seriously sick of hearing the excuses, yes, they are just excuses, that all the problems of African American people are all "my fault." If you have a problem with me, go ahead and say something. If I have a problem with you, you can be sure that it has nothing to do with the color of your skin. If that was really the case, I'll be bitch enough to say it to you.
People wonder why the stereotype exists about "ghettoness" and all that jazz. It's comments like those that make the stereotype not a stereotype. If you do not act a certain way, assume that you will be pidgeonholed into a classification.
I know some would say that because I said this, I have no class either. At this point, I don't give a shit. I am comfortable enough with my friends and peers- a melting pot that they are. I really just didn't appreciate that bullshit comment. "Blame it on the white man..." What about "Blame it on the person that named you that ghetto fabulous name" or "Blame it on whoever told you that Ebonics was actually a language" (sad to say that one is a fact according to one high school I went too- absolute rubbish IMO).. the list goes on. I think I have made my point. Like it or leave it, I could give a fuck.


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