Friday, March 31, 2006

It's raining creepy old men pt1

(for those of you that know my myspace- this is a "double" post blog)

So over the past few days it has been one appointment after another. This week alone, it has been about 6 (I think). Yikes! Gotta love pregnancy sometimes.

Which, of course, brings us to this evening's topic... ah creepy old men. Now, being as I look like mini blimpi (all 100 lbs of me =p), with my belly out like it is full of babiness, you would think that it wouldn't be as common. But, oh dear Lord.

The other day, we had to make a few errands in between appointments. It was hot, so I wore a tank top. No big thing you would think. Wrong.
So we were over at the car dealership getting some floormats- since they didn't have them when we bought the van. A couple of guys were sitting on chairs waiting for people to sell to. I went to bend over moving around the seats picking up some of the things in there so they could put in the mats, when... I just could feel these eyes staring at me.

I told Andre about it. He just laughed. "What do you expect when you wear a shirt like that..." Well, fuck. It was hot... bah. On to the next appointment.

So we get to the next appointment. Which, of course, the waiting room was loaded with an assortment of creepy people in general. I wish I was talking about "creepy" normal types.. but of course not.

So I had an appointment at 130, but it seems to be very common to have to wait awhile past that there. When we enter the room, there is a guy that looks like the equivalent of the bum off of "Down and Out and Beverly Hills" (pre- unbumming of course). He is sitting there chatting with the receptionist from his chair. So I patiently just wait until they are done before checking in for my appointment.

I could feel the eyes, not looking at my face. I held my little jacket tightly in one hand. My book in the other.

The guy was loud. He started chatting small talk about anything and nothing to anyone and everyone in earshot that would listen. Ethan was playing with a toy nearby. He noticed no one was listening, then started to try and talk to Ethan. Of course, he was only interested in the toy really, but smiled nonetheless. I was already creeped out a bit by this man. But when you add my child to the mix, it made me creeped out even more.

So now he starts chatting about the weather and the cost of living... in Chicago. This is where I went wrong. I should have just kept my nose in the book (ironically about people living on the streets). But, I was nice. I chimed in that I didn't miss the snow. That just gave this guy the signal apparently, despite my book in hand, that I just wanted to be all chatty kathy.

Andre took the opportunity to take the kids outside. Great hun. I appreciate you feeding me to the lions.

The whole time, I could just feel the eyes once again, not looking at my face. I held my little jacket tightly in one hand. My book in the other. Would this guy ever stop talking to me? Didn't he get the clue?
Damn me. I'm polite. I talked for a few minutes before putting my foot again in my mouth to shut him up. Even then, I did it fairly directly- though not completely subtle.

The medical assistant then informs me that my doctor had been called in for an emergency c-section. So I should come back in a couple of hours. I was more than happy to get out of there.

We came back later.. this time, without the kids. I shrugged off the two men previously. I was hoping it was all over. But, when it rains, it pours. And it was raining creepy old men that day.

When we got there now, since the doctor had been on call, the room was now packed. There were few seats to sit in left. I just sat where I could.
(Now did I ever mention, that I'm claustraphobic at all?)
Andre took his magazine and sat down a few chairs away. I took a seat closest to the door.

On the opposite side, was this guy with his cd player. He must've had it full blast, because I could hear everything clearly. I guess it could have been worse... it could have been music that I absolutely didn't stand. So, it was tolerable to a degree.

I put my nose in my book again. I could feel eyes on each side of me, looking down my shirt... glances at me in between guitar riffs. /sigh. I turned on my blinders, and tried to ignore it. So now I am immersed in my book. It's quiet with exception to the music.

Now the guy opposite me, decides to tap to the drum beat. Or, try to. He is completely off beat. This is annoying. I turn over and smile. He smiles and stops. A few minutes later, the same thing. He shrugs and smiles... as if it were by accident that he was tapping.

Now, enter the creepiest one of them all. (This is where the claustraphobia really shows its face) This Mexican guy with pointed cowbow boots comes in. There aren't any chairs left. So he just stands there... in the doorway. If I were the receptionist, I think I would have found it creepy too.

Once again, I buried myself in my book. I fugured, he'll just sit down when a seat opens up. Yeah right. I could feel his eyes looking down my blouse. I got that eerie feeling you get when someone is reading over your shoulder. The guy on the other side was still listening to his music and tapping. The other guy next to me, still looking at me like I was a fresh piece of prime rib or something. Chairs would open up, but the cowboy stayed put. Even other patients entering... STILL. He would stay put.

When I was called for my appointment, I had never felt so relieved. After all was said and done... just about anything seemed comforting compared to that mess.


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