Sunday, April 08, 2007

this one could be epic...

The quest for a local man/boy .... getting closer? As you know, I can't seem to lure a local beyond just um, a rendevous under the sheets rally.

What is it with me and LDRs?

No, nothing is going on.. just chatting. I was looking at friends of friends and had a most interesting time chatting today.. well now a couple of days ago because I am a slacker at posting (yes not much got done yet again.. but something...) I'm on a quest.. a few quests actually. It's all about finding myself.

I'm working hard.. trying to get everything fixed.. gah it's frustrating sometimes, but it's crazy how easy it is to budget for me. I refuse to spend money unnecessarily.

so onto a more local boy... same state even! But he is wonderful. He knows about my kids and "he can't wait to be an old dad with tattoos someday"

and it tugs on my heartstrings. i sit here and swoon... dreaming of cupcakes and dancing... travel and magic... as he tells me that I'm beautiful... says he wants to fly with me (figaratively and literally)... I'm taken back that such a truly gorgeous man inside and out would be saying these things to me... (is this really my life? i swear it feels like something out of a movie)

but I guard my heart. I'm taking my time this time.

If nothing else, it's a start of a friendship. Who knows what adventure will come.. but at least I know with this one, there really is a genuine interest in the entire realm that ecompasses Jena. I don't expect anything more... but, either way, it's a win win situation at this point for me.

maybe people were right all along.. maybe I really WAS just selling myself short this whole time... and that things were always meant to happen this way... so I could realize that I truly did deserve better.

Life has a funny way of working itself out. I'm just along for the ride... see where it takes me.

Submitted: 04/08/2007 05:35 am


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