Saturday, December 24, 2005

Wow.. what a blast from the past

So, I have had a myspace account for a long time but never used it really. I think I had one with my other email address, but haven't used it in literally Years.
Well, I went to check my other inbox (come on beta invites damnit =( ) and decided what the hell. I was browsing on there and saw Jolynn's space. She looks the same as she did in high school pretty much. I think that's pretty damn good for having had a baby=p
I saw some pictures of Tony up there. He is getting big.
I feel bad. I wish I had been keeping in better contact, but it has been hectic here family wise too (go take a look on hehwoah).
Well, I was looking at her myspace, and saw a picture of someone whom I hadn't seen since high school. John Comstock. Holy fucking cow. Well, I sent him a little email on there, not fully confident that he would even respond because of the whole Josh thing. But, I am glad to say that he did. Man I feel old.. that seemed like forever ago that I talked to John and that crowd. I miss them. We had some good times.
Well, he sent me an im on yahoo, but we didn't get much time to chat. He has been working on his band. It didn't surprise me. I'm happy for him though. I hope that it works out.
Well, I sent a few other emails out today to people I haven't talked to in a while. I don't know what's going to happen with those, but it was nice to at least try and talk to some of these people I've had good times with in the past. It makes me feel a little better to repair some old wounds. I guess, as cheesy as it sounds, perhaps time really does help to cure some of the pain.


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