Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Gah... doing a bit of a remodel here

I am in the process of remodeling the way things look a bit here, but not having the most fun with the codeing. I think it may be time for a new template face as well as the adjustments too... But, everything isn't perfect atm- as you can see my archives list is above the other blogs/ stumbled upon link section. The stumbled upon section will be for blogs and things not from people that I know, but just "stumbled upon." It was getting to the point where I would post something and eventually it would get buried in time. So, I thought it needed to be fixed. (I guess I am a bit anal- retentive in a way sometimes)
GAH! Just a heads up... it may look a little funny the next time you come out here.

Ps- Krissy and friends with other sites &/or blogs, I am trying to make a separate section just for your links that you may have as well.. it's a work in progress, just bear with me.

5 mins later...
Woot! Ok, just edited the code and I have that section added now.. so it is just a matter of gathering all the info from my email box where I have all the links stored as back-up so I can get the links to actually work. John's link and Krissy's links already work- just a matter of plugging in the others. /dance horray for being anal retentive sometimes I spose =p Sigh.. once I get these blogs revamped I really should take some time into fixing my boring myspace page.. but that's another story altogether =p


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