Friday, June 16, 2006

totally not for u

So I was reading my friend's blog again.. I go check it every couple of days to see how things are going. I haven't talked to them b/c they have been distant for awhile. I thought it was best to give them their space.
Just now I mentioned something about jealousy, and my cousin Michelle. I have no qualms saying that I dislike her immensely. I'm sure the feeling is mutal. So I could fucking care less.
In any event.. I really want to emphasize to that person how much I don't think they are like her. I'm telling you chick, you are a saint and to be worshiped compared to her. I don't despise too many people. I mean, hell I even have no problems with Holly (for those that knew me in JC) now.. and we totally didn't get along in hs.
In any event.. I really hope that you didn't take what I said to mean anything against you. I would never get nasty and accuse you of being jealous.. especially in this case since you totally wouldn't even deserve that. But her? She fucking invited me to tell her how much I dislike her when she about spit in my face at.. of all places, my mother's house.
Anyways.. it really brings a smile and a bit of a tear to my eye thinking that someone once even admired me. But I don't have a perfect life and I can't be held to that level.. I'm human. I do things wrong. Am I a role model? I don't know.. occassionally I have my moments. But like I said, I'm not a good person.
I could be completely honest here.. should I?
Probably not. But if you want to know.. go ahead and ask me. I'm sure I can give you a few things.


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