Friday, February 02, 2007

gg profile

I'm pretty ecclectic.. silly.. random... odd... some of my comments you won't understand until you begin to understand me.. but you never will really know even if you think you do.

I am a hardcore casual gamer. Ok sounds like an oxmoron a bit.. but I guess the easiest way to put it is that I dabble.. cept when I enjoy something and then I'm all or nothing.
When I played EQ2, I was one of the top toons worldwide. I was a troubador and my name was Cyren. She's retired now as I move onto Vanguard- the newest obsession and hardcore love besides my Captain.

I've been gaming since I was a wee tot.. my first memory is of me trying in pigtails attempting to change the game to super pitfall off my atari 2600 on top of my dresser; of which it came tumbling down on all of 5 lbs of me.. and since then, my gaming obsession has come about.
So I like a little bit of everything. I have drawers and stacks dedicated to video games.
I play more video games than any gamer guy I've ever dated.

My indie side comes across quite a bit with some of my eccentricities with gaming and everything else. If I haven't heard of it, it sounds appealing. I love trying new things, going on adventurers, dancing like its no ones business and making silly odd random poses and rants along the way. I'm odd but that's how I like it.

I have a fixation for pirates. This is evident in how I live and all over the board. I have a tendancy to buy things with skulls and crossbones... I just can't pass it up. I'm wearing skulliez on my ears as we speak in fact.

I am taken by the greatest captain that one could ever ask for. He's the love of my life.. and I am his wench. (He's the only one allowed to call me that) Whatever my captain wants, my captain gets.

And since I have cheesed enough all over my page (but it's my page so I can cheese if I want to.. ) I leave you with the greatest in game screenshot I have to date as of yet...

yes, yes I am...


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