Saturday, August 28, 2004

Getting a little bit more at ease

Well Anj finally found a bed for Ethan, and as luck would have it, a porta-crib for maddox as well... he's going to pick it up after work. I finally just bit the bullet and made a wanted posting on craigslist, and we were very fortunate. People can be so nice really... it makes me feel good knowing that karma must actually come back to u after all.
For those of u i haven't talked to, I've been helping out my neighbor/friend through some hard times. Since I'm at home anyway (dr's order), I'm watching her son for a couple of hrs after school, and half a day once a week while she's at work. She is a really sweet girl, and I know that I've been helped by people in the past, I feel it's the least I can do to pass that on. He's 6, and yes, there are some days that i feel so exhausted at the end of the day, but I think it's worth it. There seems to be nothing more rewarding to me than raising my kids and helping others... I'll take this over any job hands down.
So now that Ethan's bed will be here later on tonight, there are only a few more things that I can honestly say that we need before we are ready for Maddox to get here. I have to go in Ethan's room, through the boxes of old baby clothes, and separate them out for Maddox. Then just clean up a little bit of the clutter that's here and there around the house, or mostly in our room, and set up/rearrange both of the bedrooms. It's not that much work, but I admit, I'm lazy, so it's still going to take some time... maybe when Anj leaves for his conference I'll do some of that.. he's going to be gone 4 days (yes that's the most time we've ever been apart since we've been together, cheesy as it sounds), so I need to kill time somehow.
Well, I'm going to post some more pix, and for some odd reason this is being dumb, so I'm sure there will be more posts besides this one up today.. I have a lot of catching up to do as it is;)


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