Sunday, April 23, 2006

thank you for the migraine...

Horray! I have a migraine headache now thanks to that wonderful bit of news. I need to vent here. If the person in question needs/wants to argue or something about me writing this, then so be it. I guarantee that I will win when you compare things completely.
This is going to be brutally honest. Since I have to keep my mouth shut for the most part when I'm around. But, it's my blog, and I'll blog what I want to. Don't say I didn't warn you... this isn't nice at all.

I know why exactly you got married now.. you really only wanted a child so that you wouldn't be alone. I could understand not wanting to be alone and wanting a child.. but getting married to resolve those wants was not the best idea.

You settled. Or, well, maybe you didn't. But your lack of self esteem only helped you land who you did. If you would've just have a bit more confidence in yourself, you could've most likely landed yourself someone better. Instead, you just wanted to pick off the same tree your ex was on- so that you could have your "last name spelled" the same. In a way, I feel sorry for you.

Yes, I had a child out of wedlock. Yes he ran. Yes, I had to have help from family. Note- the family that did help wasn't who will end up helping you. No, I'm sure you will have more there ready and willing to help.. you've thrown many a pity party to make it so. I did some stupid things back in the day, so I can understand why they didn't help before. And, in all honesty, I'm glad that they didn't. It has only made me stronger.

You can try and use the circumstaces with that first pregnancy against me all you like. To this I will respond- at least I never had to go amoung family to get someone.

Yes, I was messed up back then. You have been with your husband (dateing + marriage) for how long? But yet, he hasn't done much to change in that time. Yet, miraculously, I, with some effort (something your husband gives plenty of excuses not not to do), was able to overcome it. Of course, once again, I know that people still will not overlook my past- yet your husband and you will be able to get away with murder. Life is amazing sometimes. Note the sarcasm.

Despite any response you can try and make about my past- there are actually people (when they open up their eyes) that see it has only made me a better and stronger person. But your weaknesses... you allow them to be exploited. Are you really that desperate for someone to love you? Or, someone to love?

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that you are finally able to have a child. I sincerely hope and pray that it goes as well as your oblivious mind would like to think it is.

It upsets me a bit that you wouldn't even consider to ask me for advice. It's not like I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to children... or even a difficult pregnancy. But go ahead and ask your shitty friend that's having her first pregnancy. I'm sure that she knows more than someone with 3 children. Again, note the sarcasm.

Your husband.. is... to put it politely... a bum. No, I take that back. At least some bums hold signs and actually make some money. True, I don't have a job either- by choice of me and my husband. But, in an emergency, we will be fine- because we have much better plans in case that ever happens- ones that will actually work. I have no problems going out there and getting a job if I wanted. Or, at least making an effort to try and get one. Yes, this is where you complain about his physical problems that hinder him. I will reply- I've seen retarded people (no offense to them) that were able to hold jobs... even if it was just at McDonalds. But, apparently, your husband can't even do that.

The fact that you practically deceived that insurance company disgusts me. You and I both know that his condition was existing prior. Of course, since he didn't make an effort to go to a doctor, I love how you shafted the other person's insurance company. Maybe someday you will see how shitty that action is. Maybe you won't. I think, you just don't care.

I think your husband is irresponsible. It's comforting knowing that he will be taking care of the baby while you are at work supporting his bum ass. I swear, he has it made. He gets the benefits of the physical + all expenses paid. I don't know of anyone that has it better than him. Congratulations, you're a doormat.

But, hopefully, you will have a child. You will get that one thing you always wanted. The one main thing, that it seems now more than ever, that you were envious I had. I know my children are not the only thing.. but if you would like to have a sit down chat compareing marriages and lifestyles, be my guest. You will be vaporized.

Until then, thank you for the migraine headache. It's exactly what I needed right now. And congratulations.


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