Friday, July 21, 2006

not feeling the school bit atm

So Andre has been ragging me about taking a look at ITT to go look at their Game Design course... today we just got back from going down there. Their campus is a lot more impressive as far as looks were conserned. It looked cleaner and more inviteing.
Now I am still scheduled to beguin classes in August for BioTech. That program is an actual tech school program- quicker to get through it.
So now it's about 8 months or 2 yrs... big fucking difference.
I'm really curious wtf the point of going to a tech school is if you are just going to finish in the same amount of time as a traditional college? Oh and a traditional college costs less.
Andre doesn't seem to care/understand this.
Now I have a headache. I remember why I hate going to these interview things with Andre. He gets this fucking ego, and the admissions person just fuels it. I would answer a question, and then Andre would correct me on it... in front of them. How fucking rude is that? And I'm talking questions aimed towards me. He really just talked and talked and talked. I looked like the cutesy little ornament. He was just sooo fucking full of himself.
I should be relieved. I'm supposed to get picked up for a concert in 15 mins. Instead I'm even more flustered. They were talking about some of the classes that I was going to be taking like I was an iddiot.
One of the classes that I'm going to need, I remember taking a class in high school on it. It was one of the worst classes in my life. I had such a difficult time with all the math involved.
My husband needs to die right now. I'm not fucking happy with him. He did nothing in that office to make me feel any less than the shit I feel like now. Gah, I have wasted so much of my life already. Maybe I should just stick to being "the baby machine." Apparently that's one thing that I know I can't fuck up.
I just want to make as much money possible in the least amount of time.
I'm sooo pissed that certain jobs make it so much quicker. What the hell am I working for if some other Joe is going to have it 10xs easier/faster?


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