Thursday, July 20, 2006

random babble pt 2

Yuck. I thought that my ears would fucking pop already, but one has not. And I also now have that weird bug where I try to write an apostrophe and it pulls up the find thing. One of my letters is highlighted. Gdit. I really need to figure that shit out already. It... gah!... is probably something to do with the browser. I do not know atm. I prolly am due for a good defragging tho. Blah

So back to the other news at hand. I am getting back to my normal routine really easily. The ease of getting back to my pathetic little nerdy life is a bit comforting, but yet frightening at the same time.

I feel bad for Nicky in a way. I told her that I wanted to play my game for a bit (Sims 2 for PC) . Fucking a, now the back arrow key does not want to go. Ok, tnite is the night then. I do not want to sacrifice my entire day of online nerdiness or I would do it now.

But I told Nicky that I would probably be back later. And, of course, that did not happen. I got sucked into my game as usual.

The thing is, I have tons of catching up to do as far as stuff for Stratics. Right now, I'm still stuck in vacation mode. Ok now everthing is working again... that's just fucking weird.
I know that I have to do it, but I just really don't want to atm. I have to force myself to actually get to it.
I think that this is perhaps because I had some realizations when I was out of town. Yes, there are some perks to working with Stratics. I have some excellent contacts because of them. But, if you put aside that, it's not completely 100% ethical. I mean, it must work out marvelously for them. They have all these people doing pretty much all the work for free, and they just get to reap all of the benefits. With all the traffic, they can get the money from the advertising. You can't tell me that they are not making more than it would cost to host all that information. I mean, it's paying at least one person's bills.
Stratics has been around for a long time. It's all about a name. I was told off the record that some people haven't even read anything on Stratics for a long time. They're not one of the big fish out there. Like I said, they have just been around for a little bit.
Now, I know that I should technically probably be venting on my gaming blog, but I figured that it was ok to do it here.
I'm not moving anywhere. I plan on staying with Stratics. I just think that it sucks about me not getting paid, and working my ass off. There are other people that do more than me, and they don't get paid either. I think that is a bit uncool.
I don't feel as if I'm contributeing to society at all by writing somewhere for free. Another thing is, how do you keep people loyal for that long without paying them? Yes, to get paid would be wonderful... then it's more than a virtual pat on the back.. or some garb that has their logo on it. To be perfectly honest, getting that kind of stuff without getting paid would suck even more. It's like, ok, so you're not going to pay me, but your way of rewarding me for helping you out is making me your advertisement.
I will admit to some hypocrisy here. I'm thankful that I could get some garb from the Gods and Heroes crew. Now that is good stuff. It's a game that I want to play though.
Chances are I probably shouldn't even be venting frustration here. This is basically an internship of sorts. I have to start somewhere. But when some people say that this is a good place to stay permanently... le sigh. I don't know. I guess it's less drama.
The thing is, I really want to make it in this industry though. I need to shut up and deal with it.

Ok I have no clue how with me rambling like that that it got to that point. But oh well. There it is.


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