Saturday, August 28, 2004

Peace and quiet in this house? Surely u jest....

Well, as irony would have it, the porta-crib that Anj came home with looked exactly like the one that we used when we were staying @ Jennifer's.
I actually took some time out of my "busy" schedule, and did a little bit of cleaning. I went into our porch storage and broke down some boxes, and cleaned a bit out there. It's hot and sticky and gross outside. It was like doing manual labor in a big sweaty armpit.
What the Hell though, I figured that I might as well do it since I had the urge.
Ethan was starting to get on my nerves today.. climbing on everything like he was some damn monkey. I put him in his room for a time out, and he ended up falling asleep. At last all is quiet on the western front, and I'm just going to enjoy the silence while it lasts;)


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