Thursday, May 18, 2006


I'm bored. Terribly bored. Now I understand how I got into origami in the first place. But I don't feel like making anything atm... and if I do, it would just be to kill the boredom.
I could go play a game.. but it's the same thing in a different package no matter what MMO I end up playing. Or, well that's what it feels like.
You may try to derive that I'm also somewhat depressed as I write this. You would be wrong, I'm merely feeling a touch blahzay . Yes I know that has to be misspelled of course, your observatition of the irony of me using the "50 cent word" while deliberately or not deliberately misspelling it in the first place is dually noted.
(We've already established that my spelling isn't always the finest anyway- so where were you.)

I've acted somewhat flakey and ditzy the past few days. Perhaps it was that I was surrounded by booth babes, or games so my mind just halfway fluttered out of my brain. I'd like to blame it on them... their stupidity must be contagious.

In the process of that, I may or may not have given a few incorrect impressions of myself. Of which, I'm kicking myself in the ass about.

As I level back to the level of cynacism I would normally have towards life, I'm really just seeing how is indeed a small a world that we live in. I no longer see so much glory and glamour in television or having money. I mean, of course I like having nice things. But in perspective, this "image is everything" is just.. well, a bit silly. (I will be the first to admit that I am a hypocrite about this)

I don't understand women. I don't get the changing clothes every season. Seasonal girls just.. well, they make me sick. I thought I was alright with my clothes being up to date. But, damn. Yeah sure I'll dress nice and things. But fuck that seasonal crap.

I sit here and just wish that I had something more exciting to do. Andre is off, so of course, he wants to stay at home. I'd rather be out. Doing something.. hell just about anything. Sakura is asleep, the boys are playing and behaveing. But he's knocked out on the couch, and here I am. Maybe I should go lose myself in some books at Barnes or something... just take the van out and go. Damnit I wish that I knew more people out here. I really wish that I didn't cross into those moments of ditzyness sometimes. Gah. I really need to get out/get a job/go to school. I think it may be time to look for some word search puzzles or soduko whatever the fuck its called now.


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