Thursday, September 23, 2004

Must be losing my mind

I'm either losing my mind, or something about all the extra hormones is driving me to odd ends.
I'm danceing around like no one's watching (thankfully it's just Ethan to laugh at me;)
I'm actually watching sappy movies By choice, and worse, by Personal Request. (and yes, I'm crying. but shhh don't tell anyone)
I get emotional over little or nothing. ...
Hell! I got emotional about my damn Sims! O btw, if you're ever having one of these touchy times, and play Sims- don't make a family of little you's. And Sims 2 is worse- now i can actually watch myself and everyone else age, and die of old age. It's crazy!
I don't know if it's just because Andre was gone for 4 days in Vegas, and I was just worried about the baby coming while he was gone, or if it's just the pregnancy. I sometimes stop and have to look at myself, and wonder if I'm actually still here and sane.
No normal person acts like this.
O but what the hell... I was never "normal" anyway =+)


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