this is ridiculous that I even need to spell this out...
But if you are interested me, you should show it (better than you have, if you think you have). I want to see that I'm desired. I shouldn't have to work to pull that feeling out of you. It should just be given as if you wanted to give it in the first place. If you overstep something.. don't worry, I will let you know.
But I'm sick of playing the babysitter to people that want to people that supposedly want to be with me.
I'm sick of this catering bs. Catering is something that unattractive people have to do to make themself appear more attractive to someone else.
I think that if you are genuinely interested, you had to have found something about me attractive.. so show me.
I know you people can do better than the half assed effort that you are showing. Take the time and effort to make it known that you think I'm something. (and don't throw pity parties or tell me stuff when drunk. that gets annoying real fast)
Is this asking too much nowadays? Seriously I'm beginning to wonder. I didn't think it was. But apparently my expectations are far too high or something...