Tuesday, August 31, 2004

talking in his sleep

Green Like Vomit!
Well, we had dinner over at Amanda's today (our neighbor), and it was really good. It was nice to have some "white" food for a change. I'm honestly getting bored with stir fry dare I say.
Well, Amanda had Anj try a new drink (I don't know what it was called) It was Smirnoff Rasberry Vodka and Dr Pepper. But, instead of drinking it as a mixed drink, u take a sip of dr pepper (let it sit in your mouth, don't swallow it) and then take a shot of Vodka, swallow, and then have another sip of dr pepper. Anj said he couldnt even feel the burn of the shot. Well, he drank that whole bottle himself practically.
He didn't seem too weird at first.. maybe just a little more laid back and talkative.. but not drunk by any means. Well, he got all lovey-dovey, and I put Ethan to bed. He turned all the lights out in the house, and when I walked into my room, he all about tackled me. At this point, I knew something was up, so I told him to just take a nap.
I had to email pops some pix, and I wasn't tired anyway, so I just plopped my ass on the couch, and then on here. Then all of a sudden, about 5 mins ago, I hear Anj yelling something mumbled in his sleep. I went to the room to find out what he wanted, and if he was alright... hey he's in his 30's he could have a heart attack or something God forbid right? I walked in there, and he was talking gibberish. I've never seen him drunk before, it's odd.
O well, at least someone had a good night right?

Saturday, August 28, 2004


o by the way, I apologized to my bro today... I had a bad day last week and I gave him an earful. He was supposed to send the pix he took with his digital when he got back home, but of course, he didn't.
Earlier this week, I'd had a really long agravateing day, and so I called him and bitched him out. Not to say that it was the best thing to do, but it made me feel better. It's crazy the crap hes probably getting away with.. all because he's the baby and the only boy. But I guess I gave my parents enough trouble and grey hairs in "my day"... I won't deny him what little leway they still have.
So, for the moment, he's in my good graces.. after all he is my lil bro. But that broad is another story;) ... ARRR....

Peace and quiet in this house? Surely u jest....

Well, as irony would have it, the porta-crib that Anj came home with looked exactly like the one that we used when we were staying @ Jennifer's.
I actually took some time out of my "busy" schedule, and did a little bit of cleaning. I went into our porch storage and broke down some boxes, and cleaned a bit out there. It's hot and sticky and gross outside. It was like doing manual labor in a big sweaty armpit.
What the Hell though, I figured that I might as well do it since I had the urge.
Ethan was starting to get on my nerves today.. climbing on everything like he was some damn monkey. I put him in his room for a time out, and he ended up falling asleep. At last all is quiet on the western front, and I'm just going to enjoy the silence while it lasts;)

Getting a little bit more at ease

Well Anj finally found a bed for Ethan, and as luck would have it, a porta-crib for maddox as well... he's going to pick it up after work. I finally just bit the bullet and made a wanted posting on craigslist, and we were very fortunate. People can be so nice really... it makes me feel good knowing that karma must actually come back to u after all.
For those of u i haven't talked to, I've been helping out my neighbor/friend through some hard times. Since I'm at home anyway (dr's order), I'm watching her son for a couple of hrs after school, and half a day once a week while she's at work. She is a really sweet girl, and I know that I've been helped by people in the past, I feel it's the least I can do to pass that on. He's 6, and yes, there are some days that i feel so exhausted at the end of the day, but I think it's worth it. There seems to be nothing more rewarding to me than raising my kids and helping others... I'll take this over any job hands down.
So now that Ethan's bed will be here later on tonight, there are only a few more things that I can honestly say that we need before we are ready for Maddox to get here. I have to go in Ethan's room, through the boxes of old baby clothes, and separate them out for Maddox. Then just clean up a little bit of the clutter that's here and there around the house, or mostly in our room, and set up/rearrange both of the bedrooms. It's not that much work, but I admit, I'm lazy, so it's still going to take some time... maybe when Anj leaves for his conference I'll do some of that.. he's going to be gone 4 days (yes that's the most time we've ever been apart since we've been together, cheesy as it sounds), so I need to kill time somehow.
Well, I'm going to post some more pix, and for some odd reason this is being dumb, so I'm sure there will be more posts besides this one up today.. I have a lot of catching up to do as it is;)

Yes, thats takos asian style

Going in for the Kill...

Tuesday, August 24, 2004


Ok Ive had it. That broad is evil I tells ya! My brother is so flippin pu4%ywhipped, it's ridiculous! I've been waiting patiently for those pix from when he was out here... I practically had to twist his arm just to have him even take them to beguin with. Well, ma is sending them out. I'm sure she was the one that loaded them up on the computer and put them on the disk too. I swear I just want to strangle that kid sometimes. I mean, he just got his liscense, so I don't really expect him to be home much, but COME ON! He doesn't have a job, and he hasn't started school yet, so of course, he's just out messing around with his friends. I expect that. I mean, he's 16. Just when I think that I can't be disappointed anymore, I am shown that I can never get too comfortable.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

FFXi or Die!

For all those still playing FFXI... here's a lil' thing that predicts how u will die next. Pretty dumb, but worth a post anyway i spose.


Not Completely Undecided...

I want to go back to school. There wasn't a doubt in my head that I was going to before, but now, I don't know where. I don't live as close to Platt (where I used to go for Graphic Design). The other option is to go to AI (The Art Institute), but that is more expensive. However, I will have alot of financial aid with the kids. So then, there's the next question... do I continue to go to a jr college, then just transfer to a designated "art school"... or do I just go to a regular university? I've been seriously considering going to graduate school for Law; but what to get my undergraduate degree is what I'm trying to figure out. I mean, is it going to mean anything if I have a degree in computers or art if I'm going for Law anyway. What does family law have to do with all that anyway? I don't know. I just know that the market is going to be tight since there are tons of Administrative Justice majors out here.
I don't know... I'm just venting now.

Almost time...

Well, everything looks good as far as baby is concerned. I had a dr's appointment yesterday, and they said that he measured a little bit small on my tummy, but the ultrasounds so far have said otherwise. I feel huge. I've been sleeping a lot more now... the baby seems to be growing more and more, and it's taking a lot out of me. I still feel a need to get out of the house when I can; even if it's just to run errands. I'm going out of my mind here by myself... I just can't wait until Maddox gets here.
The other day, I was going through some of Ethan's old things, and came across his "night- night giraffe" (a stuffed animal that sings a lullaby). I used to put it in his bed, and let it sing him to sleep when he was a baby. I hadn't seen it in forever it seems. It's all happening so fast. I can't believe that Ethan is going to be 2 already. I feel so old.
Even having kept all of Ethan's things, I still feel unprepared. It's odd. I would think that things would seem easier this time around; especially with Andre here. But, I feel more worried in a way. I'm almost positive that Maddox is going to be bigger than Ethan was. I'm sure it will be fine...
well I have to go pre-register at the hospital. More as it happens... not too soon I hope;)

Picture from Post-It's website for their event

"Well then who DID invent Post-It's?" ...

I got an email about 3M's "Stick Up for Cancer" event, and figured I'd put a link up on here for anyone that wants to get involved too.
3M is building the "World's Largest Pink Ribbon" on a Billboard in Times Square in October. For each person that clicks on this link, and signs up, Post-It will donate $1 to breast cancer research and place a Post-It in their name on the billboard.
Here's the link:


So sign up, it's free and for a good cause.

Friday, August 20, 2004

Countin Blue Cars

Well, there's another blue car on the street to watch out for, and it's my brother. He called yesterday to say he just got his liscence... now an even better reason to be as far away from Lockport as I can.. lol
Congrats Dude... just be careful and don't kill anyone.. (i know what you did last summer dude!)
Ok enough cheese for one day, I'm delirious and I have to go to sleep now.
la la la poop.. bleeh!

Get ur hands on this

a taste test...

Just got news that Bjork is releasing a new album aug 31st... so feed all your digital needs with this taste test on the new stuff....

Bjork Buzzalong

Thursday, August 19, 2004

giving in to the digital deeds...

well... i've decided that I'm just going to give in and buy a digital camera! Anj finally got the heads up that the check is coming in from his place out in Hawaii, so that should be at least another 500$ coming in.... I'll settle for a halfway decent one rather than top deck (just as long as it's a Nikon). I don't have the time to go and develop my own standard film right down; especially with lil' Maddox on the way. I desperately need to get a scanner for that though, so digital is the only way to go right now. I'm thinking a coolpix would be halfway decent.. you can get those for less than a grand now anyway now that the new ones are out... you just have to shop around.
Anj and I are talking about getting back onto ffxi and trying to make some money, making gil on there... there are some people who actually do that for spare cash; and we could most definately use it right now. That's kind of pathetic though.. I can see it now.. a yr later when i apply for a "real job" ... "so what have you been doing in the past year to make money?" "well, ive been playing video games on my computer, and selling money online to make money... "
o it's a sad sad life out here.. yeas indeed.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

It's Just Not the Same Anymore...

Well, my kid bro finally went home today... they stopped by before he left and we took some pix, but he forgot the cable to his camera, and so I'm going to have to wait till I get a disk from him before I can post.
My bro has been very anxious to get home since his dumb girlfriend is back there. I say dumb because of what she did:
Anj called from work to ask me to look up something on the comp, and dude was on talking to this broad. I told him to get off (I was going to let him get right back after I was done.. I'm not that big of a bitch) Well, she's 16. She im'ed him and said "no please don't go..." I said "no this is his sister, he has to get off now". As I was trying to open up a window to look for the side for Andre, this little girl imed "Bitch." And then proceeded to send blank im's.... O no she DID NOT! I was, of course, pissed. This girl had a lot of nerve to do that after I'd been letting my kid bro call her long distance from my house.
Anyways, the lil' girl denied it... saying that she was really trying to write the word "both" since the last thing she said before writing bitch was "i love you." But I told JP I knew the keyboard and that the letters weren't even in the same row. Whatever... she still denied it. And, of course, my brother is shamelessly pus*ywhipped into submission and said nothing to defend his own sister.

I'm somewhat disappointed in him. He seems to care more about this girl than his family... I guess it's just part of growing up though.
I did have fun with him though while he was here, don't get me wrong. I love my brother, and he lives so far away... it's really not right that he seems more excited about going home to see her than to see all of us here. I mean, he called her everyday he was here.. at least 2-3 times a day... and now he's gone. I just miss my kid bro.
Man, I feel old... but I guess that's just how life is... I can't imagine how my parents feel...

Friday, August 13, 2004

Last summer

My Own taste of the Pacific...

Anj with my cousin Maya earlier this year

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Going in for the kill

Here goes Dude, going in for the kill with his first taste of tako's Asian style....

tako's Asian style

Yesterday i took my kid bro out and about for the day... (hes going to be leaving in a few days to go back to IL) And, due to the lack of good sushi places out there, we decided to take him to our favorite authentic Japanese sushi place in town.
Anj ordered for all of us, I got my usual, and JP went to town on his rolls. In a way, I think it's kind of funny... he was all stoked on getting some rolls that to us out here are like the doughnuts of sushi... (they were normal, everyday rolls with just the fish, rice, and seaweed wrap) It's like all those trendy F8ck's out there with their California rolls, that think they're just "so hip." You people make me laugh... but I guess it's not completely your fault. I mean, not everyone has their own live-in asian;) lol
Well, we did make a point to try something new (even to me) this time. Andre ordered a couple of ngiri rolls with tako (octopus). I took the first taste, and it was surpriseingly not as bad as I had thought it might be. Anj wasn't surprised, but being the islander that he is, still had to add "You mean, you've NEVER has octopus before?" It's like yeah right. So, he told us we had to experience it at least once to try it, so that JP could go back home and say that he'd done it. So then you look at it, this little white piece of tentacle with the little suckers on it and everything... and you wonder "what was I thinking?!"
I figured.. what the hell.. I'd better just get this over with. So I took a bite, and started to chew... and chew.. and chew.. i swear it was like chewing on a piece of rubber, only with a little bit of a grainier texture. Anj said that that was the reason why they eat it; its all about the texture. So no, it wasn't bad at all. But JP still had to try it...
wait till you see the look on his face...

Tuesday, August 10, 2004


Ok, now its time to get a little deep....
I got some news yesterday, and I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I don't know what to do right now. The offer has come up for me to relocate to Hawaii...
I know for a lot of you, this is really not that hard of a decision. I mean, come on, its Hawaii... But it's not as easy as you might think. There are tons of reasons to go... Anj would be closer to his son, friends and family...I'd be able to pursue freelance surf photography... I'd get to live in a place many people only dream of going to...
But then there's the tragic downside... there's also a ton of reasons not to go... its even more expensive to live out there than in CA... and I've never lived in any place that small (at least none that I couldn't just drive out of) ...
And then the bigger reasons... I know that I'm going to marry Andre, that's not a problem or anything... but to leave everything and everyone that I've ever known... and then, on top of that... I know that moving that far away would just kill my dad...
I mean in a way, he's kind of lost his daughter; now that I have Andre, I don't need my dad to be the hero in my life that he once was... and, if i move, then he'll lose Ethan... I know my dad probably misses us now, but at least we are right there; just a 15 min drive away...
even if he stays in CA, thats still a 5 hr flight... and, with Ethan turning 2 this year, it's going to be expensive to come back home "to the mainland."
I really don't know what I'm going to do right now. I have a lot of thinking to do... but thankfully none of this is definate. It's just a big bomb to drop right now... I'm getting so comfortable, and anxious for the baby, and now this. I just don't know right now...

Friday, August 06, 2004

Computer Literacy.. Now at age 2!

Well Ethan has now moved onto browsing menus and doing jigsaw puzzles... I really do have to get a digital camera so I can get a pic of it.. its Hil-Ar-ious!) That kid continues to surprise me more and more everyday.. seriously.
Everything here is doing fine otherwise... Baby is doing fine.. still working on a middle name for the lil guy. Anybody got any comic book names I havent thought of? HA
Im only about 2 months away from the D-day, and we are really hoping that hes not early. Andre has a conference 2 weeks before in Vegas... I really hope that we dont have an unexpected arrival, but kids have a mind of their own, so we'll just have to wait it out and see?
Andre is getting ready to take his placement test for school. Its about time he finished what he started;) O for those of you who don't know, Andre is going to school for computers;)
I can't wait till i can get back out there in school, and working again. I'm going out of my mind here stuck in this house!) I have to be creative with how I trim down the hours. I'm doing origami, playing Sudeki on Xbox with Andre, and he brought home a metal DDR pad for me tday;) Yippie!)
Well there he is now, so Im going to go test out my new lil toy

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Aug 3 getting ready for a car ride

Smarter than the average bear...

Well my kid is a lot smarter than i thought apparently....
In the past 2 weeks he has shown me that by watching Rugrats, hes learned how to become a little Houdini. The lil' squirt got out of the house and walked down the street while i was doing laundry just downstairs. When I found him, he laughed. Alas he's not even 2 yet and he's already figuring out how to trick me. Those teen years are going to be sooooo fun. Ha
I guess that we spend too much time on the computer here and Ethan must see that. Last night we were all sitting here playing a game with John Paul, and he was sitting on the computer. He went through and was browsing the menus and doing jigsaw puzzles. It was funny. He knew what he was doing. When we play xbox, or playstation, he says "game." And So it starts....