Tuesday, February 27, 2007


bored off muh arse. Can't sleep. And now I'm majorly frustrated because I didn't get that room after all. Lovely. Sigh. Well, feck. If you are reading this btw ma, I won't cash your check. Thanx for the help anyway. I guess it's onto looking for something else now. Gah, what a great weekend, but a shitty Monday. I hate fucking Mondays, but now even more so. And there are other things going on that I'm a bit bummed about, but I'll save em for now. Prolly nothing anyway.

Myspace is being lame. Trying to change things over there and of course I can't. And I really should resize the images so people get off my ass about the scrolling.

Fuck I wish I could sleep. Damnit.

skulliez myspace code

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Snarfle, defined

snarfle. it's my new word I've invented.. copyright Jena, all rights reserved

atm- my definition of my word is

a word that you say when you want to say a lot of things but theres so much going on in your head that all you can make out is this silly sounding nonsensical word. In particular, but not limited to in moments of sexual tensions and/or frustrations. Can sometimes be accompanied by a different pitch or tone of voice inflection.

oh cmon, its silly but catchy.. or odd or.. well it's from me, so ya shouldn't be surprised. spam me, text me, entertain me pls pls pls, bc all I can think of is that damn word and relevant things to it...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

For those that know Mike "Red"

Doesn't this new guy from my gaming site look like a younger version of him? It's crazy the resemblence imo.

/dance I gots it...

And I move in on March 1st. Thanx so much for everyone that had me in their thoughts... it's a sigh of relief. I got the email this morning from my soon to be landlord. Funds are going to be tough this month coming up.. with the trip and moving in.. but I'm happy to say that mom is going to help me with part of it and getting in. I am bound to be calling some people soon as well for help moving in my stuff. But it's right down the street from work and I can even possibly have a dog at one point. My roommate and I have a lot in common it seems. She is a writer and takes photography as well. She has a 4 year old son and has no problems with the kids staying overnite on visits.

Now to seriously get to business and get things packed up and cleaned up.. laundry and all that fun stuff are just teensy things that need to be done on my long list. So if we've made plans to go out, or you were anticipating me going really anywhere, I'm sorry. I'm going to be stuck in the house packing and getting that all settled. Feel free to stop by and help me pack though if you want haha

But it's a good thing. I'll be on my own.. even if I have some roommates. It's a good thing.. forcing me to be more responsible. Bills in exchange for some privacy and freedom. I really do think I'll probably get that part time job when I get home just for saving the extra money and paying off some debts.

Hell, I didn't get to tell everyone this but my kitchen is huge at this place. It actually encourages me to learn how to cook better since I actually have some room to spread out.

The room isn't huge, but it's living space.. my living space. I am going to bring my couch and put it in the 2nd living room. Take over a little bit of that area.. full house privledges. Ah to do laundry and not have to go pay with quarters. haha

Soooo that's what's going on this morning. I have plans later this week to go out with Ry and hopefully my friend Johnny even if it's just for a little bit. Ry is also having his big move coming up.. to Scotland ='( It sucks because we are very close friends and it will be forever before I get to see him now. But I'm happy for him.. his new job is just what he's been waiting for.

Alrighttty now to write some emails since my phone isn't on atm... /grumble I paid it, but.. yah.

mmm and this pomegrante tea mabob that Shawn from work bought me is like an orgasm in my mouth kinda good... mmmm =)

Monday, February 12, 2007


My friend Danielle is going to be performing in the show, and I wanted to make a note of the dates because I'm not sure which date I'm going to for sure. I think I may bring at least Ethan if not Sakura and Maddox as well. Since it's a kids show anyway =)

Friday, Saturday and Sunday

March 16th, 7:30

March 17th, 2:00 and 7:30

and March 18th 2:00

Saturday, February 10, 2007

i want this..

Guess lace top

Friday, February 09, 2007

Blogs from GG

Damnit this used to be my main blog but I know I haven't used it so much lately. I have been blogging more frequently on my other blogs, and what not. I really haven't had the time to blog as much as I would like.. here or anywhere else. So, I am going to start posting my lil blurbs here more often.. even if they are "secondhand" from when I blog a lil snippet on GG (the gaming "myspace") I belong to.
I included their photos with the comments they wrote, so you can see some of the faces. They're a rad crew.

Anyways, enjoy the newer blogs. More to come of course!

the expense or investment is in the eye of the beholder

So I've been talking to some of my friends.. and this talk about relationships has been going on for quite some time now.. and I began to think about the cost of living sometimes. I mean, seriously. My boyfriend- costs money. More so because of the long distance, but still.. he's fecking expensive. To quote him: "Captain says: I'm like a really expensive hooker"

Not to be a bitch here.. haha but isn't that pretty much all relationships? I mean in the end, they're like really expensive hookers.

Ok so maybe I am looking at it from a non sappy point of view for once, but.. come on (ha no pun intended)... there's truth at the heart of it.

Btw- in case you ever read this Andrew-- I love you dear /batseyes
My hooker captain you...

Getting back to it- the same goes for basically most any good relationship you have, and even some non good ones. You have kids with said lover (NO, NOT TALKING BOUT MINE.. IM DONE on the babymarket for a long time).. but say you decide to have a child.. said child, ends up costing you money.

Friends.. end up costing you money. They want to go out and do things? Go to a club or hang out and get some dinner? Money money money...

Sux sometimes. I'm not complaining though.. just looking at my bank account sometimes makes me wish I was an asexual antisocial human being. haha Food for thought maybe. Wow do I sound like a cynical bish now eh?)
Submitted: 02/08/2007 05:33 pm

Actually lady, friends cost me more then a girl friend. I've been with the same girl for almost 6 years, and i must say it's by far, MUCH better on the money side. (Providing both works of course)

Now what is expensive, is trying to meet "new girls". All those blind dates, or love someone that lives too far and all of that... But when you're actually living with the loved one, i found that it's cutting our expenses if only for the rent, which in turns creates a good amount of extra wealth. Of course, we have no child either. (This is a completely different ball park, since this topic is about how a relationship cost, not a kid)

Add to this that sex is the best possible activity with your partner, and it's "free", so no, i wouldn't consider relationship in general to be expansive. Yet, we both aren't high maintenance people either... We create our fun, instead of spending on it.
Submitted: 02/09/2007 11:47 am

/perks up 0.o

Well after today.. I'm just going to pray things with work go well. Because if they do, then damn it will be a good day. I have been having the damnest time emotionally.. with things going on with my divorce and these kids and I know I want to be close to them.. just right now... damn. I need to work. I need to get my head together because my ex.. but we went into that before.

So onto the good news right?)

A-- I'm completely booked up for my next trip to see my baby. I am going to the GDC up in San Fran the 6th-11th. It's going to be wonderful... 5 nites of video game lectures and what not and bliss in my man's arms.. and I can finally wear a dress this trip since it's not going to be crazy freezing. My pocketbook is going oucho from that, but it will work out, I know it. Besides.. it's my captain. I need to figure out what's up with my camera as well, because it's broken.. and has been since I got back. I HAVE to have a camera when I go out there... so, yah.

I may have found a room close to work for rent at a really good deal. She's a single mom, and it's a house with privledges. Its open now. I really think that it would be good for me. My x is driving me outta my mind. I need to move sooner than my lease is up. For my own sanity.. and because the liklihood of me finding another deal this good is not really likely. It's almost as if God opened up his hands and said "here."

And now I am going to force myself into some sleep. I really think I need to invest in some sleep aids, because my insomnia is getting way out of hand.
Submitted: 02/07/2007 07:31 am


Oyuki (again I really think she's stunning.. 1/2 Japanese, 1/2 American.. and yes she is a model)

best of luck to you hun. you can do it :D and i pray that you get some good night sleep :)
Submitted: 02/07/2007 07:35 am

Have some fun times! +D
Submitted: 02/09/2007 03:37 am

paces back and forth

I really really hate the position my x left me in. 4 days with taking kids to daycare early early early in the morning.. he usually keeps them up late because he is up late and doesn't have to go to work till 3, and thus.. the kids didn't want to move when it came time to go to daycare at all. I called into work. Hopefully I don't get fired. But daycare issues suck.

I just wish things weren't as screwed up as they are right now. Divorces suck. I just want to start my life and get on my feet.. and this is the kind of stuff that makes it incredibly hard.. because I know if I was single right now, that it would be a lot easier. This is overwhelming.

Submitted: 02/06/2007 10:47 pm


Nazaros --
You have all my respect for going through this with your head up. I mean you might be overwhelmed, but i still feel like you have a "lot" of oxygen in the blood, and ready to conquer the world... With 3 kids to take care of, i raise my hat to you girl.

Submitted: 02/06/2007 11:01 pm

FearHyena(he's from Chicago actually)--
I got mad respect for you too girl =)
I mean you made a choice...you could've just ran away leaving all 3 behind, but alas the sweet warmth of a mothers heart keeps you true ^__^
you're a good person...and would like to offer any help on anything =D

sorry if that sounded creepy....I always try to help out people when they might need it =P heh
Submitted: 02/06/2007 11:10 pm

"Mother is the name for god on the lips of little boys and girls."

You probably don't get told it enough, but if you love them and they know it, you're a great mum.

Keep up the great work, my hats off to you!! no shens.
Submitted: 02/07/2007 02:05 am

Kids must be a handful. Just babysitting them is D:

You seem to be doing pretty good.
Submitted: 02/07/2007 09:20 am

Devin (ok so he's a cutie for sure so I left his picture big.. sue me)--
wow, kudos to you. thats a handful and then some.
Submitted: 02/08/2007 04:18 pm

cuz every1 wants u when ur taken

srsly.. me and Andrew had this conversation before too... never got hit on so much as when he had his wedding ring on.. never so much as whn im unavailable.. unattainable...

They don't want you when ure theirs or when u're available.. but the moment u are happily taken, they're all about u. WTF is wrong with them?!

I mean case 1- x bf wants me to move away with him... still persists even though he knows all about my bf. But he's also one of my closest friends here and it sux... bc I will miss him as a friend when he leaves in a lil less than a month. Do I not hang out with him bc he still has feelings for me? Gah it just makes things awkward.

THEN! the other morning my x came in to wake me ^ and called me "baby." Said he would be willing to take me back and work on things if I "fixed myself." I told him about my next plans to see my boy soon- suddenly went emo and back to pissy mode. Thank God he's going on vacation and I'm moving soon. Can't take much more of this!

But none of this behavior came about till Andrew came into the picture. I'm kind of curious who else may come out of the woodwork. Pls Pls Pls let there be a hot chick in there somewhere. kk thnx

Submitted: 02/04/2007 01:03 am


Nazaros --
Hunter: You can't break a couple. If the girl you hit on is in a couple, yet she hit on you and "choose" you at the end, you aren't breaking anything: It was already dead.
Submitted: 02/04/2007 08:55 am

TDP Hunter --
yeah I know what you mean, except Im the on want to date someone that is taken. It's almost like all the girls that fit my needs and wants are always taken... Though I'm not one to try and break a couple up either so.. whatever..
Submitted: 02/04/2007 01:50 am

Nothing's a sure thing...

I wish that we didn't have to worry about things like money, location, work, etc.. fucking a the real world sux sometimes. But in love, that's all that should matter right? We love each other and the rest SHOULD BE just details.. or that's my philosophy.

I'm really feeling the pressure to move right now.. it's not completely horrible, but I'm being screwed over.

I just wish I was closer. As much as distance makes the heart grow fonder, it also sux balls bigtime.

Submitted: 01/28/2007 05:57 am

and comments on it from my friend Missy

Love IS all that should matter but sometimes the pressure of life can be too much =/ You just have to remember that he's worth it, and you love him.

I did long distance (he was in USA and me in Australia) for 1 and a half years. I feel your pain! *hugs*

Submitted: 01/28/2007 07:43 am

at the beginning times seems so rough , but in the ends it's all worth it, trust me ! Take the time to gather what you need, then it's all good for the rest of your life . Jena it's not easy to live far away from whom we trust and love , but just that you get to talk to that person a little bit everyday makes a difference ... Jena & Andrew = ftw

Submitted: 01/29/2007 01:38 am

i put my underwear on backwards this week..

and he told me that he loved me

never a dull moment for captain and wench.

Well for those of you that know me... you know that I just got back from my much anticipated trip to Alaska to see my boyfriend.
While it feels good to be home, at the same time, it really took a toll getting on that plane leaving the man I loved 2000+ miles away. But it wasn't goodbye. It was see you later.

I love that man dearly though.. now more then ever it just continues to grow... more cheese later.. but I have 2 work @ 5am and I'm wiped.

617am (or so it was timestamped on GG)

how considerate

Said he was going to call the kids while he was gone.. didn't check up even once. He didn't seem to give a fuck. Can't even tell me when his flight is coming in. I just want to know so I can make plans or something tnite.. God forbid though right.

Oh well... San Fran is coming up soon. I love Andrew. Man Andre is ridiculous.

Monday, February 05, 2007

conversation.. bad

supernerdlady: How does sum1 who claims 2 have no money have all this money 2 go on a trip 2 spend more money?
treker808: [AWAY] I am away from my computer right now.
---------------------- 12:28 pm ----------------------
treker808: I should ask the same of you
supernerdlady: Its for job contacts
supernerdlady: Its an investment
supernerdlady: Networking
---------------------- 12:31 pm ----------------------
treker808: yeah so whats different, im looking at the city for how it looks to live there, that my investment on myself
---------------------- 12:35 pm ----------------------
supernerdlady: Do u rlly not want the kids now?
supernerdlady: How is vegas a good place 2 raise kids?
treker808: you already, thats up to you
treker808: not all parts of it are bad, just down town
treker808: Henderson, the adjoining city is very nice
supernerdlady: Y bc ur family says so?
treker808: yeah you know the one thats been living there for the past 10 years
treker808: they might know something about that city
supernerdlady: That didn't have little kids last u said
treker808: he has 5 kids
supernerdlady: And yet u couldn't bring urs out there?
supernerdlady: R u going w any1?
treker808: nope, thats why im paying for thier daycare so drop it
supernerdlady: Gr8 family 2 help u there it seems
supernerdlady: No wonder ure asking mine
treker808: yup they are the best
treker808: they are they best too
supernerdlady: So gr8 that uve talked 2 them so much
treker808: yup they are the best
supernerdlady: They won't help bc they like or give a crap bout u at all
supernerdlady: They only care bout those kids
treker808: well let them decide what they do with thier lives
supernerdlady: They can help u all they want w the kids if they chose.. They will teach them not 2 hate me.. It seems u don't want my kids to care and ure going 2 talk shit bout me
supernerdlady: I don't do that to them bout u
supernerdlady: And u throw a good pity party.. U always have
treker808: whatever, you have no facts to base your opinion
supernerdlady: They're my family
supernerdlady: I know them better than u do
treker808: so what? you own them?
supernerdlady: I don't leech off ur family
treker808: this is America last I checked, not The Nation Of Jen
supernerdlady: Its called being bigger about it
treker808: who says im leeching, im not asking for money or to stay with them
treker808: They wanna see the kids they are more than welcome to
supernerdlady: Daycare isn't cheap
supernerdlady: its money
treker808: well they are not paying for it
supernerdlady: No they're not payong 2 see those kids
treker808: yeha last I checked I was giving the tickets away free
treker808: Front roow seats even
supernerdlady: When u need them 2 so u don't have 2 pay as much
supernerdlady: Are u dating someone or having sex w someone else?
supernerdlady: Or intending to buy a hooker out there?
---------------------- 12:45 pm ----------------------
treker808: No I will just mastubate alot, works great
supernerdlady: Wth is wrong w u?
treker808: nothing, mastubation is quite normal for adults last I heard
treker808: Great way to satisfy sexual urges without all the pretenses of dating and relationships
supernerdlady: Takes a big man to have those things
treker808: Alot of people lead quite normal lives who also mastubate
treker808: well when I feel I am ready to be in a relationship I will decide to do so, when the time is right for me. not what other people think
supernerdlady: I think u not being in a relationship atm while ure broken and basically a virgin is a blessing 2 men and women everywhere
treker808: yes exactly, so it will just take time and patience on my part before im ready for that.
supernerdlady: U talk bout me being broken.. Ure broken and u won't admit it
treker808: Im not broken, I simply dont love you anymore and dont want to be with you. Its my choice and my life.
supernerdlady: When u do- a woman w no self esteem would be a good catch for u.. 1 that will have np's being a doormat for ya bc she doesn't know any better
treker808: well thats for her to decide, not you
supernerdlady: I was outta ur league
supernerdlady: I was stupid
treker808: yup
supernerdlady: Every1 knew that
treker808: yup
treker808: your stupid
supernerdlady: I'm so stupid.. Ure right that's y I'm not alone and 7u r
treker808: yup
---------------------- 12:56 pm ----------------------
treker808: so lets agree on that, you can go away now
supernerdlady: Spoken like a true 5 yr old that prolly compares 2 u in penis size as well
supernerdlady: Have a great trip ill be home after I get grocerries
treker808: yeah I have no penis whatsoever
treker808: Thank you, gonna do some light cleaning nowm buh bye...
supernerdlady: Compared 2 andrew
supernerdlady: Buh bye!

Friday, February 02, 2007

gg profile

I'm pretty ecclectic.. silly.. random... odd... some of my comments you won't understand until you begin to understand me.. but you never will really know even if you think you do.

I am a hardcore casual gamer. Ok sounds like an oxmoron a bit.. but I guess the easiest way to put it is that I dabble.. cept when I enjoy something and then I'm all or nothing.
When I played EQ2, I was one of the top toons worldwide. I was a troubador and my name was Cyren. She's retired now as I move onto Vanguard- the newest obsession and hardcore love besides my Captain.

I've been gaming since I was a wee tot.. my first memory is of me trying in pigtails attempting to change the game to super pitfall off my atari 2600 on top of my dresser; of which it came tumbling down on all of 5 lbs of me.. and since then, my gaming obsession has come about.
So I like a little bit of everything. I have drawers and stacks dedicated to video games.
I play more video games than any gamer guy I've ever dated.

My indie side comes across quite a bit with some of my eccentricities with gaming and everything else. If I haven't heard of it, it sounds appealing. I love trying new things, going on adventurers, dancing like its no ones business and making silly odd random poses and rants along the way. I'm odd but that's how I like it.

I have a fixation for pirates. This is evident in how I live and all over the board. I have a tendancy to buy things with skulls and crossbones... I just can't pass it up. I'm wearing skulliez on my ears as we speak in fact.

I am taken by the greatest captain that one could ever ask for. He's the love of my life.. and I am his wench. (He's the only one allowed to call me that) Whatever my captain wants, my captain gets.

And since I have cheesed enough all over my page (but it's my page so I can cheese if I want to.. ) I leave you with the greatest in game screenshot I have to date as of yet...

yes, yes I am...