Friday, February 09, 2007

paces back and forth

I really really hate the position my x left me in. 4 days with taking kids to daycare early early early in the morning.. he usually keeps them up late because he is up late and doesn't have to go to work till 3, and thus.. the kids didn't want to move when it came time to go to daycare at all. I called into work. Hopefully I don't get fired. But daycare issues suck.

I just wish things weren't as screwed up as they are right now. Divorces suck. I just want to start my life and get on my feet.. and this is the kind of stuff that makes it incredibly hard.. because I know if I was single right now, that it would be a lot easier. This is overwhelming.

Submitted: 02/06/2007 10:47 pm


Nazaros --
You have all my respect for going through this with your head up. I mean you might be overwhelmed, but i still feel like you have a "lot" of oxygen in the blood, and ready to conquer the world... With 3 kids to take care of, i raise my hat to you girl.

Submitted: 02/06/2007 11:01 pm

FearHyena(he's from Chicago actually)--
I got mad respect for you too girl =)
I mean you made a could've just ran away leaving all 3 behind, but alas the sweet warmth of a mothers heart keeps you true ^__^
you're a good person...and would like to offer any help on anything =D

sorry if that sounded creepy....I always try to help out people when they might need it =P heh
Submitted: 02/06/2007 11:10 pm

"Mother is the name for god on the lips of little boys and girls."

You probably don't get told it enough, but if you love them and they know it, you're a great mum.

Keep up the great work, my hats off to you!! no shens.
Submitted: 02/07/2007 02:05 am

Kids must be a handful. Just babysitting them is D:

You seem to be doing pretty good.
Submitted: 02/07/2007 09:20 am

Devin (ok so he's a cutie for sure so I left his picture big.. sue me)--
wow, kudos to you. thats a handful and then some.
Submitted: 02/08/2007 04:18 pm


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