Dum de dum dum...awww
Ok I'm just waiting for Maddox to get here already. I've hit my due date, and everyone is calling my house. It's nice to know they care, but it's a lot of pressure. Dad has been calling everyday-this morning at 8am! I've tried telling him not to worry, that I'm ok, and if anything happens, I will definately let him know, so he can pick up Ethan. But no matter how much I tell him that I'm ok, he still worries. It's a bit funny, but I know that I'll probably be the same way. Thankfully, I have boys:)
Lately, I've been thinking that I will just hypenate the baby's last name, since Andre and I aren't married just yet; and that way Ethan won't feel any different when we do, and I hypenate his last name when Andre adopts him. Andre has mixed feelings about it, but knows that it's ultimately my decision anyway.
We haven't decided on a middle name just yet. Andre isn't much help. He was thinking we'd give him some boring everyday middle name. But, with my luck, my dad would like that name better, and call the baby that, just like he does with Ethan. Me? I'm racking my brain for cartoon/comic character names, in tradition. (Hey, I gave Ethan his middle name because of Ninja Turtles!) I know, I'm a dork, but I don't care, and my kids are going to have to live with me anyway:) lol
Andre and I were joking about it last night, thinking that maybe we'd give the baby a Japanese middle name. But, the only names that I could really think of weren't names at all- yaki soba, katsu, udon- lol He's like no, we can't name him after some noodles! I said why not? No one from back home would know any different, in fact they'd probably think it was cool. We can call him our little noodle boy! LOL And we just laughed, smiled, and held eachother. O man, I love this man, and I can't wait for our little boy to get here. These are the moments that really make everything worthwhile.