Friday, February 09, 2007

the expense or investment is in the eye of the beholder

So I've been talking to some of my friends.. and this talk about relationships has been going on for quite some time now.. and I began to think about the cost of living sometimes. I mean, seriously. My boyfriend- costs money. More so because of the long distance, but still.. he's fecking expensive. To quote him: "Captain says: I'm like a really expensive hooker"

Not to be a bitch here.. haha but isn't that pretty much all relationships? I mean in the end, they're like really expensive hookers.

Ok so maybe I am looking at it from a non sappy point of view for once, but.. come on (ha no pun intended)... there's truth at the heart of it.

Btw- in case you ever read this Andrew-- I love you dear /batseyes
My hooker captain you...

Getting back to it- the same goes for basically most any good relationship you have, and even some non good ones. You have kids with said lover (NO, NOT TALKING BOUT MINE.. IM DONE on the babymarket for a long time).. but say you decide to have a child.. said child, ends up costing you money.

Friends.. end up costing you money. They want to go out and do things? Go to a club or hang out and get some dinner? Money money money...

Sux sometimes. I'm not complaining though.. just looking at my bank account sometimes makes me wish I was an asexual antisocial human being. haha Food for thought maybe. Wow do I sound like a cynical bish now eh?)
Submitted: 02/08/2007 05:33 pm

Actually lady, friends cost me more then a girl friend. I've been with the same girl for almost 6 years, and i must say it's by far, MUCH better on the money side. (Providing both works of course)

Now what is expensive, is trying to meet "new girls". All those blind dates, or love someone that lives too far and all of that... But when you're actually living with the loved one, i found that it's cutting our expenses if only for the rent, which in turns creates a good amount of extra wealth. Of course, we have no child either. (This is a completely different ball park, since this topic is about how a relationship cost, not a kid)

Add to this that sex is the best possible activity with your partner, and it's "free", so no, i wouldn't consider relationship in general to be expansive. Yet, we both aren't high maintenance people either... We create our fun, instead of spending on it.
Submitted: 02/09/2007 11:47 am


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